You've packed your POD, 1-800-PACK-RAT, U-Pack, etc. but now you're dreading the process of unpacking it. That's totally understandable! One of the big advantages of these portable storage containers is the ability to pack them at your own pace. Unfortunately, once they're loaded you're apt to realize that all of your stuff is inside. So unpacking becomes a lot more urgent.
Like most things in life, there are pros and cons to moving pods. Some of these advantages and disadvantages are listed below in order to help you decide if a pod is the right choice for you. Knowing these things ahead of time will also help you set a realistic budget for your move.
Many people confuse packing and loading. Packing is the process of putting your belongings into a box or other container and sealing it shut. Loading involves placing those sealed boxes or other containers into a truck or portable storage container.
Once your belongings are at their new home, they'll first be unloaded from the truck or pod. Then the unpacking process begins. This is when you'll (hopefully!) find your missing phone charger, that thriller you were in the middle of reading, or the coffee maker you forgot to keep out.
Unless you've been trained in proper lifting techniques (and have strong muscles!) there's a very real chance of suffering an injury while lifting and hauling dozens of heavy boxes. Unfortunately, your back may never recover from the strain. That's why you may want to leave this part of the move to professionals who know how to do the loading and unloading safely and easily.
At CT Moving and Storage, we have the experience, equipment, and knowledge to safely load and unload your portable storage container. With more than 50 years of experience in the moving industry, our family-owned and operated moving company will make quick work of getting your belongings back where they belong. Contact us for your fast, free estimate today!
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CT Moving and Storage is affiliated with Flynn's Motor Express, INC.